
Escherichia Coli

Escherichia coli, also known as colibacillus, is one of the most extensive and bacteria live in the intestinal tract in a state of symbiosis. A large negative bacilli, rub-shaped, about 2 microns in length and a diameter of 0.5. Shortly after the birth of man, through the intestinal tract to be constant are the same throughout life. Escherichia coli involved in the disintegration of food, play an important role in the formation of vitamin B12 and K. Basil intestine because it is not a human intestinal saprophyte casual, but human life is possible because of their symbiosis. Intact skin and mucosa which, under normal circumstances, adequate protection against the penetration of Escherichia coli in the network.

However, various modifications of the intestinal mucosa can be made impermeable to germs, whether inflammatory necrosis, mild or injury. Then act as an agent of the colon bacillus flogógenos (which causes inflammation) that infiltrate the intestinal wall and infect the peritoneum. It is clear then that play a role in inflammatory bowel organs and all its attachments. We also found Escherichia coli to inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder appendix,, together with other intestinal bacteria, and even without that in each case they have been the main agent of the swelling. But sometimes it also penetrate into the bloodstream (sepsis E. coli) and then eliminated by the kidneys, without it being necessary to channel pain or kidney or urinary tract. Only when the urine stagnates in places produce serious injuries. Penetration into the urinary tract can also be done from the outside, especially in women, as long orta urethra.

It is possible to distinguish different types of colon bacilli by serological methods, after seeing that some kind is the agent of infectious enteritis infants sometimes presented as a problem of epidemic in the hospital immediately. In infants found colibacteria well as infectious agents leptomeninges, which arrives via the blood or lymphatic routes. Penetration of the blood can be explained by the greater penetration of the intestinal mucosa baby, to address the same through the lymphatic drag sometimes affect the middle ear.

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