

The cochlea is the auditory portion of the inner ear, because it is the organ of Corti. It has a spiral structure, with the emergence of a small spiral, and embedded in the temporal bone. The cochlea is divided into three tubular cavity running the spiral staircase: the scala vestibuli, scala media, and scala tympani, the first and the last one is filled with a liquid called perilimfe, but scala media is filled with endolymph, the other fluid types. Vestibuli The scala and scala tympani are connected at the top of the cochlea (the snail), a type of ship called helicotrema communicate. Organ of Corti, which contains neuroepithelial hair cells, the vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea with the bracket through fenestra ovalis (oval window), into nerve impulses that are picked up by the auditory nerve.

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