

Histiocytosis is characterized by the abnormal proliferation of histiocytes, especially in reticuloendothelial organs of the body. Macrophages, histiocytes normally found in an inactive form in the connective tissue. The etiology of histiocytosis, but suspected infectious agent also includes three variants of clinical and morphological features of more or less, the disease Letterer-Siwe disease, Hand-Schuller-Christian, and eosinophilic granuloma. Even if the covered entity is a different disease or if a different period or the expression of the same underlying disorder.

However, there is proliferation of histiocytes in all and in more chronic cases, the accumulation of cholesterol in the cell. Found in some patients with histiocytosis several immunological abnormalities, including decreased T suppressor cells and the presence of autoreactive lymphocytes. Of extract of calf thymus and immunological abnormalities corrected clinical remission occurred, suggesting that immunity might become angry basic underlying the mysterious disease.

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