
Metabolic Effects of Lead

Lead poisoning is lead poisoning, which occurs when people absorb or inhale lead in any form. The result is damage to the red blood cells and nerve cells. People exposed to lead and develop lead poisoning usually those who work or profession brings them into contact with the lead found in the environment as a goldsmith exparsido, metal body painter, newsboys, etc.. The element is found in paints for metal parts, paint thinner solvent (turpentine), anti-oxidase paint, the carbon monoxide emitted from the exhaust pipe of an internal combustion engine, in and around the oil distilleries, etc. Therefore, the lead entering bloodstream through the alveoli polluted air we breathe.

Lead has many adverse metabolic effects on the synthesis of hemoglobin, red cell survival and mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Inhibit the synthesis of heme by the action of the cytochrome P450 and range-aminolevulínica dehydratase, ferrochelatase blocking the enzyme, which catalyzes the incorporation of iron into the porphyrin ring structure. This increased excretion of free erythrocyte protoporphyrin. Leading the effect is the inhibition of adenylate cyclase in the brain and pancreas. In addition, there was a significant reduction in the function of sodium (Na), potassium (K)-ATPase of erythrocyte membranes. All functions are altered heme synthesis enzyme inhibition, increased concentration of free erythrocyte protoporphyrin and basophilic stippling, erythrocyte fragility crenation and abnormal, excessive hemolysis and anemia predisposition. Impaired mitochondrial function contribute to changes in the central and peripheral nervous system.

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