

Chickenpox is a rash illness of acute, infectious, fever. The rash consists of small particles, the part that turns into vesicles dried without flowing or ulceration. This disease affects children and is caused by the varicella zoster virus. It is highly contagious and spreads through the air exhaled by the patient, without the need for direct contact with it. Chickenpox begins suddenly, without prodromal manifestations with fever, generalemente of 38 ° (often less than 39 °). The rash usually appears first on the face and scalp, and then served on the trunk and extremities. After several hours, the stains become transparent vesicles surrounded by hyperemic halo.

Bile, which is a measure, lentil unilokular not multilocular (so not emptied the entire contents immediately vesicles to puncionarla) but. Serum vesicles contain some leukocytes and staphylococci often. After one or two days, where the temperature is gradually decreased, the vesicles dried and formed a small central depression. Drying gallbladder verified after becoming the first item and then cloudy yellowish, dry scab forms, which comes after eight to ten days.

Because chicken pox is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not effective. Therefore, the limited treatment to relieve symptoms. The prognosis is good in 99% of cases and leaves immune diseases.

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