
Soft Tissue Fibrosarcoma

Soft tissue fibrosarcoma tumor was malignant tissue. These tumors occur for some time with the good looks fool, which contrasts with the real structure with a large tendency for late recurrence and generalizations. Therefore the interest of early detection. These fibroids develop in filling network and support from all parts of the body: partition and fascias involve muscles, nerves and vessels, showed marked propensity for the extremities. Originally presented as a solitary tumor, the volume varies from size of a walnut to the size of a small orange, but eventually reach a much larger dimension.

In the surgical specimen, the soft tissue fibrosarcomas were packed solid mass. However, the envelope, which is constant, there are barriers that isolate different conjunctiva but is formed by the surface layer of the same tumor, level and strong. They have a very encuenta data, as described excision successive relapse and need extensive subcapsular tumor excision. Mass itself, the court is homogeneous, firm, fibrous appearance and a matte white or grayish white. It consists of connective fusiform cells with large nuclei, without proper guidance, but tend to be arranged around the blood vessels in the wall where they belong. The ship was disorganized, branched, of different calibres.

 Recurrence-law, where, after a simple excision, is characteristic of the soft fibroma, a deceptive ease of removal, but after a variable period of full years, almost always new tumor appears under the surgical scar. This tumor recurrence showed a greater tendency to proliferate, as if the transaction had the potential latent elevated her virulent. Thus, the way to the root of the groin, leg or armpit. Therefore it is said, with a sense of mnemonic, this tumor has a "geotropism" negative. The tumor again and again. Progress of the disease and amputations imposed pathology report in the end, the only way to prolong life for some time.

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