

Rhabdomyosarcoma is a fast growing and highly malignant tumor striated muscle. We can identify three distinct clinical and histologic: 1) pleomorphic adults (about 15%), which means it can take different forms, 2) embryonic alveolar (45%), 3) botrioideo embronario (40%). Rhabdomyosarcoma is generally aggressive tumors, early stage widespread, with metastases in the lungs, pleura, mediastinum and pericardium.  

Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma occur in men and women, usually between 30 and 40 years. Attacks most commonly the lower extremities, usually the thigh muscles, such as quadriceps, adductor and semimembranosus. The tumor grows quickly and can reach even 25 cm in diameter. The tumor is located deep in the muscles and soft tissues are composed of grayish red meat and fish-like, with a focus of necrosis and hemorrhage. Because these tumors are pleomorphic, with light can be observed microscopically different types of cells, the cells are sometimes racket prolongations protoplasm unique and long, sometimes giant cells with peripheral vacuoles oval band separated by a thin cytoplasm (cell cobweb), but be- liver cell layer usually clearly distinguished from variable dimenciones.  

Embryo alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma occurs almost exclusively in children and usually appears at the upper or lower extremities, but sometimes involving the trunk. Macroscopic rhabdomyosarcoma has aspects similar to adults, but rarely reach such large dimensions. In a histological study warns cellular round to oval shape, and the similarity suggests occasional slightly elongated muscle cells mature. The cells are arranged in small nests or rosette, separated by fibrous stroma interlace, frame holds some resemblance to images of lung alveolar cells and alveolar cavity neoplastic occupy, provide a name for this type of tumor.  

Botrioideos embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas usually occurs in children and young adults and attacked several sites, for example, genitourinary, biliary tract and orbit. Skeletal muscle is rarely attacked.

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