
Malta Fever

Malta fever, also called Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by Brucella melitensis micrococci or Bruce, young coconut, gram-negative, with the fast Brownian motion. He was usually spread Malta fever with goats or cows consuming raw milk and its derivatives, and other contaminated food, the gateway of the intestinal bacteria. The disease is found in all temperate regions of the Mediterranean, especially along the coast and islands, but also in other countries were warm.

Malta fever begins after an incubation period of eight to fourteen days, with symptoms including fever, headache and muscle, dyspepsia, etc.. Fever is usually reached 40 and 41 ° C for three to four days, then declined in the week with a morning remission. In chronic cases, brucellosis causes weight loss, decrease in the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood and the number of erythrocytes.

Prevention by vaccination. Antibiotics such as tetracycline and sulfonamides effective.

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