
Tumor Cells and Tissue Matrix

Tumor cells can differentiate stem cells that come in almost all important manifestation, but also can preserve many of their properties. As the way we understand the important manifestation, a particular function, metabolism, trasplantabilidad, etc., Image of different species is highly polymorphic tumor.

A) With respect to morphology, tumor cells often retain all the morphological characteristics of their ancestors, and at other times they do not like it at all. Typically, a slow-growing tumor that is structurally most similar to normal tissue (tumor ripe), while growing rapidly have little morphological peculiarities. They remind us of the cells and tissues of the embryo, are also growing rapidly, although it is understood that they are not embryonic cells. In this case too immature and tumor cell dedifferentiation (anoplasia).

B) What is the function of specific tumor tissue is closely related to the same morphological characteristics: the higher the similarity of morphological tumor to normal tissue, the more likely it is also mimic certain functions. This refers primarily to a large number of tumors of endocrine organs. Anyway, there is a parallel force between tumor differentiation and function. In adult tumors usually have a specific function.

C) tumor cells, such as the previous array are affected by specific substances from the organism itself. In the same way that normal prostate or breast tissue responds to hormones, certain tumor tissues before reacting hormónicas excitations as well, and this has been used in therapy.

D) Another important point is that related to the metabolism of tumor cells. All tumors, especially rapidly growing epithelium, behave similarly to embryonic tissue or injured tissue, which is formed at the expense of glucose lactic acid even in the presence of oxygen.

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