
Intercostal Neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia is pain in the chest wall due to inflammation of the intercostal nerves. It can be seen as toxiinfecciosas cause herpes, anemia, consumptive state, and is characterized by pain to the exacerbation of violence, sometimes throbbing sitting on his way from the affected nerve or nerves.

In intercostal neuralgia, pain in the course of the nerve to put pressure on the axillary line height, (points Valleix) paravertebral and parasternal. Intercostal neuralgia is more common on the left than on the right and mainly affects elderly women. Diagnosis should be done carefully so as not to confuse with raduculalgias by the tumor, pleural disease, tabes, pericarditis, epidemics pleurodimia and broken ribs.

Treatment: Anti-inflammatory, vitamin B12.

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