
Dermatropos Virus

Virus Dermotropos are those that colonize the skin cells of the epidermis, has as input the body through the pharyngeal mucosa and that usually causes coughing slightly. From it through blood and dermotropo virus reaches the skin, where the occupation. We can show the presence in it called Guarnieri corpuscles were found in the cytoplasm and culture is a small virus. The elementary body, which are relatively large and in accordance with the same virus, known since 1907. Viruses cause infectious dermatropo eruptions such as measles, chicken pox, measles and fever blisters.

After the colonization of the virus in epithelial cells first develop papules, which by damage to the basal layer of the epidermis is converted into vesicles, which soon became turbid water content and become purulent, thus becoming pustules formed. When they dry, crust, which despite all the superficial scars. Both vesicles and crust is a highly contagious virus for their content. When inoculated into rabbit corneas (Paul test) also develops in the epithelial cells Guarneri blood cells. Dermotropo virus leaves patients permanently overcome immune diseases.

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